Friday, 24 May 2013

Make money online writing articles in revenue sharing sites

How to write for revenue sharing sites.

The revenue sharing sites are usually based on cpm (cost per thousand views). If you are new to cost per million views then it means its the earnings you receive when 1000 visitors see your page. So here its the number of views that matter. Got it?

You have to write on topics that attract good traffic in the revenue sharing sites.

Some revenue sharing sites that pay and are not scams are given below. You can Join in by clicking the highlighted link 

Wikinut (now closed for new writers presently)

Suite101 (now the pay is low compared to others)

The best ways to earn in these sites are as follows

Step 1 : create an account

Step 2 : Make lot of friends (can add friends in most of the revenue sharing sites)

Step 3: Publish articles that are popular. Eg:weight loss or blogging etc
Step 4: Share your link , don’t expect google to find all what you write. Showcase it to others by sharing in sites like delicious and digg and

Step5: earn money!!

By being part of revenue sharing site don’t expect to earn zillions. You can for sure earn around 10 dollars a month as starting if you work decently hard.
If you can write about something then these sites are worth joining

JOIN Expertscolumn (good site which pays and is also simple to use. I recommend it)
Join Triond (slow to earn but good if you can write catering to needs of US and Canada then its cool site)     Read the article on how to make money on triond CLICK ME

Then there are sites like zujava and wikinut which you can try. They too earn but sometimes the rate of earnings are slow. 

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